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Unknown Vice Lords Knowledge: Unlock the Secrets of this Illusive Gang

✮Traveling Vice Lords✮ | Perpheads Forums
Unknown Vice Lords Knowledge (UVLK) is a term that refers to the deep understanding and internalization of the ideologies, beliefs, and rituals of the Unknown Vice Lords gang. The Unknown Vice Lords is one of the oldest and most notorious street gangs in Chicago, which has been active since the mid-20th century and has been associated with various criminal activities, including drug trafficking, extortion, robbery, and homicide.

The Unknown Vice Lords gang is known for its strict hierarchy, which is based on a set of core values and beliefs that are deeply ingrained in its members. The gang operates under a code of conduct, which emphasizes loyalty, respect, and the protection of their own. Members of the Unknown Vice Lords are expected to adhere to these values, which are reinforced through various rituals and symbols.

UVLK is critical to the survival and success of the Unknown Vice Lords as a criminal organization. It involves a comprehensive understanding of the gang’s history and culture, including its leadership structure, its symbols, its language, and its beliefs. Members of the Unknown Vice Lords must have a deep understanding of these elements to be able to identify and protect themselves from rival gangs and law enforcement agencies.

UVLK is also an important tool for the recruitment and retention of new members. Prospective members of the gang must undergo an initiation process that involves learning about the gang’s history and culture and demonstrating a willingness to adhere to its values and code of conduct. Members who exhibit a strong understanding of the gang’s culture and are dedicated to its values are often promoted within the gang’s hierarchy.

In conclusion, UVLK is a vital component of the Unknown Vice Lords’ identity and serves to strengthen their organization and its members. Without a deep understanding of its culture, history, and beliefs, the gang would not be able to survive and thrive in an ever-changing criminal landscape. Its knowledge is a powerful tool that can be used to further the gang’s criminal enterprises and to recruit and retain new members who are dedicated to its values.

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✮Traveling Vice Lords✮ | Perpheads Forums
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Seyyed Hossein Nasr – Knowledge And The Sacred By Carlos Duarte – Issuu
Unknown Vice Lords History
Unknown Vice Lords History

unknown vice lords knowledge

Unknown Vice Lords Knowledge: Everything You Need to Know

The Vice Lords is a street gang that originated in the Western part of Chicago during the 1950s. Since then, it has spread across various states in the United States, and even internationally. It has become one of the most prominent and notorious gangs in America. Although much is known about the Vice Lords, there is still a lot that remains unknown to the public. In this article, we will delve into the unknown Vice Lords knowledge, including their history and origin, ideologies and beliefs, structure and organization, activities and practices, controversies, conflicts, and challenges.

The History and Origin of Vice Lords

The Vice Lords were originally formed in the North Lawndale housing projects in the late 1950s by a group of African American teenagers. The founding members included Edward Pepilow Perry, Bobby Gore, and Walter Wheat. The group started as a social club, but as they became involved in delinquent activities, they quickly evolved into a street gang.

The name “Vice Lords” was chosen because the group members saw themselves as lords of all vices. They adopted colors and symbols, such as a five-pointed star and the color black and gold, to represent their gang, practices that are still used by the gang today.

The Ideologies and Beliefs of Vice Lords

The Vice Lords have eight principles that they abide by: unity, respect, love, freedom, fairness, justice, strength, and knowledge. These principles are meant to guide the gang members in their actions and behavior. Additionally, the gang encourages education and self-improvement among its members, and promotes non-violent conflict resolution.

The gang has been known to involve itself in community-building activities such as anti-violence campaigns, mentoring programs, and educational initiatives. However, their activities often conflict with law enforcement, as many gang members are involved in illegal activities such as drug trafficking, extortion, and violent crime.

The Structure and Organization of Vice Lords

The Vice Lords are organized into “sets”, which are smaller groups within the gang that operate in specific geographic locations. Each set has its own leadership structure, with a set leader responsible for overseeing the activities of the members in the set. The leader is advised by a board of members who help to make decisions that affect the set.

As a national organization, the Vice Lords have a “National Council”, which is composed of the top leaders of each set. The National Council is responsible for making decisions that affect the gang as a whole.

The Activities and Practices of Vice Lords

The Vice Lords engage in a wide range of criminal activities that vary by location. Some of their most common activities include drug trafficking, robbery, extortion, and violent crime. The gang also engages in subtle activities that are meant to assert their dominance over their territories, such as graffiti tagging and wearing specific colors and symbols.

The Controversies, Conflicts, and Challenges of Vice Lords

The Vice Lords have had many controversies, conflicts, and challenges throughout their history. One of the biggest controversies is their involvement in illegal activities that have resulted in countless arrests and incarcerations of gang members.

In addition, the gang has struggled with internal conflicts, as members often feud over power and territory. This has led to violence and even the formation of splinter groups within the gang.

Moreover, their existence, although traces back to five decades ago, has earned public outcry and opposition. The government has launched a myriad of measures like the criminalization of gang membership, mass incarceration, and the adoption of law enforcement strategies such as the broken windows philosophy, as the Vice Lords remain a significant threat to the society.

Unknown Vice Lords Knowledge

To fully understand the Vice Lords, it is important to know about the Vice Lord knowledge book, how to speak Vice Lord knowledge, Vice Lord 8 principles, Vice Lords signs, Vice Lord literature, Vice Lord literature statement of love, Vice Lord prayer, and Vice Lord 9 codes of conduct.

The Vice Lord knowledge book is a set of teachings that are meant to guide gang members in their actions and behavior. It includes instructions on how to live out the eight principles of the gang, as well as information on the gang’s history, structure, and practices.

Speaking Vice Lord knowledge involves using a specific language that is unique to the gang. It includes phrases, words, and chants that are used to identify oneself as a member of the Vice Lords.

The Vice Lord 8 principles are the guiding beliefs of the gang. These principles are meant to promote unity, respect, love, freedom, fairness, justice, strength, and knowledge among gang members.

Vice Lords signs are symbols that are used to identify oneself as a member of the gang. These signs can include hand symbols, colors, and clothing.

Vice Lord literature includes books, articles, and other materials that have been written about the gang. These materials are often used by gang members to gain knowledge and information about their organization.

The Vice Lord literature statement of love is a document that outlines the gang’s belief in the importance of love and respect for one another. It encourages gang members to treat each other with kindness and respect.

The Vice Lord prayer is a religious prayer that is recited by gang members. It is meant to promote unity and strength among gang members.

Finally, the Vice Lord 9 codes of conduct guide gang members in their behavior. These codes promote non-violent conflict resolution, education, and self-improvement among gang members.


Q: Are the Vice Lords still active?
A: Yes, the Vice Lords are still active, with a presence in various states across the United States.

Q: Can you join the Vice Lords?
A: Joining the Vice Lords requires an initiation process, which often involves engaging in criminal activities. However, we advise against joining gangs because of illegal and harmful activities they involve in.

Q: How dangerous are the Vice Lords?
A: The Vice Lords are a dangerous gang, involved in violent crimes such as drug trafficking, robbery, and extortion. It is not safe to be associated with them.

Q: What should I do if I come into contact with the Vice Lords?
A: It is best to avoid contact with gang members altogether, as they often engage in illegal activities that can put you at risk. If you witness criminal activities being committed, please report to the relevant authorities for appropriate action.


In conclusion, the Vice Lords have a long and controversial history, with many unknown aspects remaining. Despite their beliefs in unity, love, and respect, the gang is heavily involved in criminal activities that make them an imminent threat to the society. Understanding the unknown aspects of the Vice Lords is crucial to keeping oneself safe and informed. We advise against engaging or associating with the gang in any way.

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