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Mbo Opleidingen In Het Engels Top 18 Posts With The Most Views

Programma Engels Binnen De Opleiding Mbo By Ton Van De Laar - Issuu

You are looking for information on the topic “mbo opleidingen in het engels”. will gather information to answer your questions in this article. Please read this article to the end to find the information you want to see. You can also check out some other related articles here: mbo niveau 4 in het engels, vmbo in het engels, mbo in het engels cv, hbo in het engels, engelstalige hbo opleidingen in nederland, hbo opleidingen in het engels, opleiding volgen in het engels, mavo in het engels.

View information about the mbo opleidingen in het engels

Information about this question

  • Question: mbo opleidingen in het engels
  • Time: Asked 33 hours ago
  • Modified: Updated 10 minute ago
  • View: 5888

mbo opleidingen in het engels

Here are some examples of vocational education programs (MBO opleidingen) taught in English in the Netherlands:

  1. International Business Studies
  2. Marketing and Communication
  3. Tourism Management
  4. Business Administration
  5. Hospitality Management
  6. Creative Business
  7. International Event Management
  8. Fashion Business
  9. Logistics Management
  10. International Trade

Note that the availability of these programs may vary by institution, and it is important to check with individual schools for the most up-to-date information on their English-language offerings.

Watch videos related to “mbo opleidingen in het engels”

Examen Engels voor MBO 4 | CvTE TV

Images related to mbo opleidingen in het engels

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Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs - Wikipedia
Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs – Wikipedia
Programma Engels Binnen De Opleiding Mbo By Ton Van De Laar - Issuu
Programma Engels Binnen De Opleiding Mbo By Ton Van De Laar – Issuu

mbo niveau 4 in het engels

“MBO niveau 4” can be translated to “Vocational Education and Training (VET) level 4” in English. VET is also known as “Intermediate Vocational Education and Training” or “Upper-Secondary Vocational Education and Training”.

vmbo in het engels

In het Engels wordt het vmbo (voorbereidend middelbaar beroepsonderwijs) vertaald als “pre-vocational secondary education” of kortweg “pre-vocational education”.

You can see some more information related to mbo opleidingen in het engels here


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