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Trang chủ » Gedenkwaardige Godfried van der Lugt: Herinneringen aan een Moedige en Toegewijde Priester

Gedenkwaardige Godfried van der Lugt: Herinneringen aan een Moedige en Toegewijde Priester

godfried van der lugt

Godfried van der Lugt was a Dutch Jesuit priest who dedicated his life to serving the people of Syria. He arrived in the country during the 1960s and lived there until his death in 2014. In the time that he spent in Syria, Godfried van der Lugt became a beloved figure not only among the Christian community but also among Muslims and people of all religions.

Early Life

Godfried van der Lugt was born in the Dutch city of Den Haag in 1938. He was the youngest of six children, and his parents were both devout Catholics. As a boy, Godfried was inspired by the stories of Jesuit missionaries in far-flung corners of the world, and he decided early on that he wanted to become a priest.

Godfried joined the Society of Jesus, commonly known as the Jesuits, in 1957, and he was ordained a priest in 1963. He spent several years working in Jesuit missions in the Middle East and Africa before being sent to Syria in 1966.

Life in Syria

When Godfried van der Lugt arrived in Syria more than 50 years ago, he quickly fell in love with the country and its people. He was struck by their warmth, kindness, and hospitality, and he felt that he had found a home in Syria.

Godfried spent most of his time in the city of Homs, where he worked at the Jesuit Residence, a community center that provided a range of services to local people. He taught English, helped with agricultural projects, and provided counseling and pastoral care to those in need.

One of Godfried’s most significant contributions to the Homs community was his work with people with disabilities. He ran a center for disabled children, providing education, therapy, and support to children who otherwise would have had no access to these services. He also campaigned for the rights of disabled people, working to change attitudes and break down barriers that prevented them from living full and independent lives.

During his time in Syria, Godfried van der Lugt became a well-known and respected figure in the wider community. He worked closely with Muslim leaders and activists, promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding. He also made regular visits to the city’s mosques, where he was warmly welcomed by local Muslims.

Godfried’s work in Homs continued even during the country’s civil war, which began in 2011. As violence and chaos engulfed large parts of the city, Godfried refused to leave, saying that he felt it was his duty to stay with the people he had come to love and serve.

Tragic End

On April 7, 2014, Godfried van der Lugt was shot dead by an unknown assailant in the Jesuit Residence in Homs. His death was a shock to the people of Syria and the wider world, who mourned the loss of a man who had given so much to his adopted country.

Godfried’s murder was widely condemned, and the Jesuit community in Syria called for justice and an end to the violence that had claimed the lives of so many innocent people. In his death, Godfried became a symbol of the toll that the Syrian civil war was taking on the country’s people, regardless of their religion or ethnicity.


Godfried van der Lugt’s legacy lives on in Syria and beyond. He is remembered as a tireless servant of the poor, a champion of interfaith dialogue and understanding, and a man who lived out his faith in a selfless and compassionate way.

Godfried’s work with people with disabilities was particularly significant, and his center for disabled children in Homs continues to operate, providing vital support to some of the most vulnerable members of society.

In the years since his death, Godfried van der Lugt has been honored in various ways. In 2017, a statue of him was unveiled at the Jesuit Residence in Homs, and a street in the city was renamed after him. In the Netherlands, his home country, a foundation has been established in his name, which supports charitable projects in Syria and other countries.


Q: What was Godfried van der Lugt best known for?

A: Godfried van der Lugt was best known for his work with people with disabilities in Homs, Syria. He ran a center for disabled children, provided education and therapy to those in need, and campaigned for their rights.

Q: What was Godfried van der Lugt’s religious affiliation?

A: Godfried van der Lugt was a Jesuit priest and a member of the Catholic Church.

Q: Why did Godfried van der Lugt stay in Syria during the civil war?

A: Godfried van der Lugt stayed in Syria during the civil war because he felt it was his duty to stay with the people he had come to love and serve. He believed that his presence was a sign of hope and solidarity during a difficult time.

Q: How has Godfried van der Lugt been honored since his death?

A: Godfried van der Lugt has been honored in various ways since his death. A statue of him was unveiled at the Jesuit Residence in Homs, and a street in the city was renamed after him. In the Netherlands, a foundation has been established in his name, which supports charitable projects in Syria and other countries.

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