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Mbo Webshop Roc Van Twente Top 16 Latest Posts

Roc Van Twente

You are looking for information on the topic “mbo webshop roc van twente”. will gather information to answer your questions in this article. Please read this article to the end to find the information you want to see. You can also check out some other related articles here: mbo webshop inloggen, succesklas roc van twente, roc van twente aanmelden, wifi roc van twente, mbo licenties, mbowebshop contact, plaza roc van twente, almelo roc van twente.

View information about the mbo webshop roc van twente

Information about this question

  • Question: mbo webshop roc van twente
  • Time: Updated 9 minute ago
  • Modified: Asked 61 minute ago
  • View: 5183

mbo webshop roc van twente

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Mbowebshop.Nl | Roc Van Twente On Vimeo
Mbowebshop.Nl | Roc Van Twente On Vimeo
Roc Van Twente
Roc Van Twente

mbo webshop inloggen

succesklas roc van twente


The ROC van Twente offers nursing education at the diploma level (MBO), and is innovating the program to include a major/minor structure for education about care and technology. In order to achieve this, a new position was created: the Master Docent, Care and Technology. The task of the master docent includes development of education for nursing about technology, multidisciplinary cooperation, and service to health care institutions among others. The first development concerns a module about electronic patient records, standards, and semantic interoperability for continuity of care. The module is delivered to nursing students and to students from the information technology department, who work jointly in ‘development teams’. This paper describes the background, the development of the educational material and program, and the core content of the module. The core content are the care information models that link clinical materials with health care information standards. The program has started end November 2006. At the Medinfo 2007 conference the results of the course for the first group of about 40 students will be presented.

You can see some more information related to mbo webshop roc van twente here



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